Questions : BCA 3rd Year (magadh University)

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BCA Paper 5 (2011)

Time : 3 hours

Full Marks : 100

The Questions are of equal value.

Answer any five questions, including question no.1 which is compulsory.

1. Choose the correct answer:
(a) In visual Basic, the storage size of data type currency is
(i)   1 byte
(ii)  2 byte
(iii) 8 byte
(iv) 4 byte
(b) The range of data type in visual Basic is visual Basic is
(i)   January 1, 100 to December 31, 9999
(ii)  January 1, 1000 to December 31, 9000
(iii) January 2, 1900 to December 31, 9999
(iv)  None of these
(c) MDI stands for
(i)   Multiple Data Intraction
(ii)  Multiple Document Interface
(iii) Maximum Document Interface
(iv) None of these
(d) Menus can be created quickly by using the
(i)  Menu editor utility
(ii) Common dialog control
(iii)Text box
(iv) None of these
(e) For a maximized windows, the window State Property is set to be
(i)   1
(ii)  2
(iii) 0
(iv) 3
(f) The type of data file that can be created in VB is
(i)  Sequential
(ii) Random
(iv)All (i),(ii) and (iii)
(g) ODBC stands for
(i)   Oracle Database Connectivity
(ii)  Open Database Connectivity
(iii) Optional Database Connectivity
(iv) None of these
(h) Data about data is normally termed as
(i)   Directory
(ii)  Meta data
(iii) Data bank
(iv) None of these
(i) The relational data model is concerned with
(i)   Data structure and data integrity
(ii)  Data manipulation
(iii) Both (i) and (ii)
(iv) None of these
(j) In E-R diagram, a weak entity set is represented by
(i)  Double outlined rectangle
(ii) Rectangle
(iv)None of these
2.  (a) What do you mean by event driven programming? Explain some of the events   
supported by visual Basic Objects.
            (b) What are the different data types supported by Visual Basic? How can they be 
                  declared? Discuss the scope and lifetime of variables.
      3. differentiate between following and also list basic properties;
      (a)  Picture Box and Image control
      (b)  check box and option button
      (c)  Directory list box and file list box
      (d)  Label and Command button.
4.   (a) what is module ? Discuss form module, standard module and class module with 

            (b) what is procedure? Discuss general procedure and event procedure.
            (c) Discuss select case structure with example
            (d) Explain FOR…NEXT and FOR EACH… NEXT loop structure.

5.   (a) What is the difference between array and dynamic array?

            (b) write a program using dynamic array to record the high temperature of last seven 
                 days and display all of them with the average of high temperature. Use three buttons, 
                 one to enter temperature, second to display the result and third to exit from the  
      6.  (a) Explain the various types of error that may occur in VB, Discuss how to avoid them
           (b) What are the advantages of OLE? Explain the various methods that can be applied 
                 to OLE container control.
      7.  (a) Discuss the menu Editor. How to create menu? Explain menu naming conventions.
           (b) Discuss briefly the graphics controls.
           (c) Write a program to print a given string 4 times each time with increased font size and 
      8.  (a) What do you mean by DBMS? What is its advantage?
           (b) Discuss hierarchical and relational data model.
           (c) what are schema and subschema?
           (d) Discuss the role of DBA.
      9.  (a) What do you mean by entity, entity set attributes and relationship?
           (b)  Discuss the different symbols used in E-R model.
           (c) Explain the terms generalization and specialization.
           (d) Discuss DDL, DML and DCL
      10. Discuss the following SQL commands with suitable examples:
           (a) Create table
           (b) Insert
           (c) Select
           (d) Delete
           (e) grant

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